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Dos & Don'ts of Bluecrew Profile Picture

Check out our key tips!

Updated over a year ago

You are looking for a job. All employers want to hire people who are respectful, professional, and can have business-like acumen (in person and via profile photos, etc).

Do's for Bluecrew Profile Pictures

Don'ts for Bluewcrew Profile Pictures

  1. Use a recent photo (clients should be able to recognize you in person from your photo)

  2. Make yourself look personable.

  3. Keep it simple.

  4. Feel free to include some kind of reference to your career.

  1. No party selfies or group photos with your friends, family or pets (even if they are partially cropped out)

  2. No inappropriate gestures

  3. No complete or partial nudity (no shirtless selfies)

  4. No visible smoking, drug or alcohol paraphernalia

  5. No stock photos of nature, animals, babies, cartoons, logos, etc.

  6. No social media filters or avatars (ie, no bitmoji,)

  7. No photos of other people

Using someone else's photo and pretending it is your own is unacceptable, unprofessional and is considered lying/misrepresentation.

Going against any of these guidelines will be subject to discipline/dismissal after an administrative review and deactivation of your account. Thank you in advance for following the rules and policies of Bluecrew.

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